[nycbug-talk] UNIS Tinker Faire Un-Conference

Raul Cuza raulcuza at gmail.com
Wed Apr 18 23:36:25 EDT 2012

You are cordially invited to attend

*The UNIS Tinker Faire Un-Conference*

The UNIS ICT Department is hosting an un-conference on Saturday, April
21, 2012 to explore various aspects of creative computing and their
use in the classroom.

We are planning to offer:
* DIY 3D Scanner
 * Build your own 3D Scanner on the cheap
* 3D Printing: MakerBot and Design in the Classroom
 * Possible Software Choices (3DTin, Tinkercad, Google Sketchup, OpenSCAD)
 * Curriculum Development
* S4A (Scratch for Arduino)
 * Build an Arduino Project using the Scratch program S4A
* Alice: 3D Programming
 * Alice is an innovative 3D programming environment that makes it
easy to create an animation for telling a story, playing an
interactive game, or a video to share on the web. Alice is a teaching
tool for introductory computing. It uses 3D graphics and a
drag-and-drop interface to facilitate a more engaging, less
frustrating first programming experience.
* Robotics for Lower School
 * NXT and WeDo
* Create your own Brush Bots from MakerShed
* Possible Round Tables and Discussions:
 * Creating a FabLab/TinkerSpace
 * Curriculum based on the Design Process
 * one example is Design Squad http://pbskids.org/designsquad/

This is a conference for both technology teachers and classroom
teachers Grades K-12.  If you are interested in sharing ideas and
getting inspired by like-minded colleagues, please join us.

April 21, 2012
9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

Please R.S.V.P to me off list so we know how many people to expect.
Since it is an un-conference, ideas about using *BSD to tinker are
welcome. And please interpret technology teacher in the broad sense.

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