[nycbug-talk] FreeBSD & Google Analytics

Glen Barber gjb at FreeBSD.org
Sun Dec 9 23:13:50 EST 2012

On Sun, Dec 09, 2012 at 07:54:13PM -0800, Pete Wright wrote:
> Glen - thank you for point that out!  I've been following the thread 
> regarding this on chat@ and it's been driving me up the wall.  I feel 
> like there has been a lot of FUD surrounding this announcement, along 
> with a side order of "there are all these great open-source analytic 
> engines they could use" w/o providing on concrete example of what they 
> are, or how to implement them, or even an offer to provide such a 
> platform to the freebsd project.

IMHO, it is not FUD, it is legitimate concern.  But, from what I see so
far, it is concern from those who are already security- and

We (FreeBSD) are respecting DNT, not relying on Google.  Additionally,
disabling Javascript will also disallow tracking.

Many alternative solutions were proposed, mostly to me in private as
response to the original announcement.  All of the proposed solutions
fail to provide the benefit we gain by using Google's system.  One key
gain is security of the Project's resources - we do not need to worry
about our cluster administrators wasting time (which they volunteer) to
ensure the latest version of Piwik is installed, for example.


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