[nycbug-talk] BSD shootout?

Matthew Story matthewstory at gmail.com
Tue Mar 20 11:42:12 EDT 2012

I'm a big fan of the debian shootout benchmarks, they seem to be a (fairly)
exhaustive, and (fairly) honest set of benchmarks.  I was wondering if
anyone has ported this to BSD, couldn't find anything on BSD, but I think
it would be interesting to compare the shootout benchmarks from various
flavors of Linux to various BSDs.

The shootout code itself is python, so there should be no|little issue
getting that to run on BSD, but many of the compiled language tests are
compiled against Linux&glibc ... seems like it wouldn't be overly much
trouble, fun weekend project, but if someone has already done the work ...

Additionally if there were another similarly exhaustive and honest set of
benchmarks out there that already compile cross *NIX, that would suffice.

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