[nycbug-talk] BeagleBones

George Rosamond george at ceetonetechnology.com
Fri Nov 9 20:56:48 EST 2012

Some people picked up their BeagleBones Wednesday, but I am still 
waiting on others.  It's your turn to chase me to get it :)

I posted the *first* dmesg on dmesgd, just using SK's image.  A lot of 
commits have happened since his build...


Anyway, I encourage others to start posting their dmesgs (not that they 
should vary too much), and that we start opening up the discussion about 
uses, eg., DNS, SIP server, etc.

And we should probably use the February meeting to sort out how to do 
present topics related: u-boot, making a custom image, custom kernel, 
etc., if not before in some hackfest-type scenario.


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