[nycbug-talk] pkg breakage today?

Isaac (.ike) Levy ike at blackskyresearch.net
Wed Jan 2 15:05:54 EST 2013

On Jan 2, 2013, at 2:25 PM, Pete Wright wrote:

> On 1/2/13 10:55 AM, Isaac (.ike) Levy wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> So I may have chosen a bad day for it, but I've had need to wrap my hands around pkg(NG) in FreeBSD 9.1 today.
>> Question:
>> Is it me, or are the remote pkg servers offline or something?  I've been following the handbook docs, and can't 'search' or then 'install' anything with it- and I mean anything.
> hey .ike - the old school pkg_add repositories are offline due to break-in on freebsd.org servers last year.

Gotcha, I need to read more,


Sad to say I barely noticed, been prepping a migration from an old bleeding-edge Ubuntu shop, by building a gnarly stack up from sources.  All I've  been using is gcc and dtach (on machines built prior to the advisory dates).

> regarding pkgng repo's i've been building 91amd64 repo's on a server and using that to deploy packages on all my machines/jails etc.  feel free to use it - and let me know if you'd like anything added:
> PACKAGESITE         : http://pkg.nomadlogic.org/91amd64-default/
> things are working as expected on my end with this config:
> > pkg search lighted
> lighttpd-1.4.32_1              A secure, fast, compliant, and very flexible Web Server

Dude, that's quite sweet of you, I just gnabbed gcc (and related bits) from your box, which should be all I need to get me through the day!

And, if this pkg server does not belong to the pete at nomadlogic that I know and love, but instead belongs to some random stranger which hijack my box for it's own fun and profit, well, the box will be nuked soon enough- feel free to fun while it lasts.

Thanks Pete!


>> Best,
>> .ike
>> --
>> Sidenote (not trying to flame-bait with this, really):
>> I haven't kept up with the state of the art with pkg(NG) until now, and it's pretty ugly to see this betaware out in the FreeBSD base, as though it's the only package manager on deck.
>> I'm not being snarky, but I don't expect to see beta in any RELEASE version of FreeBSD:
>> # cat /usr/local/etc/pkg.conf
>> packagesite: http://pkgbeta.FreeBSD.org/freebsd:9:x86:64/latest
>> Am I just behind some great curve, or is this whole thing a bit sloppy?
>> (The util and docs are at least thoughtful, I must say).
> my understanding is it is a beta since pkgng is not currently the default pkg mgmt tool for 9.1.  last i heard there is still some work being done to improve automagic builds of packages.  i'm personally pretty stoked with pkgng and think it is a move in the correct direction.
> -pete
> -- 
> Pete Wright
> pete at nomadlogic.org
> www.nomadlogic.org
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