[nycbug-talk] a clarification about the csup/CVS announcement

Glen Barber gjb at FreeBSD.org
Fri Jan 11 16:43:26 EST 2013

On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 04:36:36PM -0500, Brett Wynkoop wrote:
> > > That is the state just after make buildworld and before make make
> > > buildkernel.  Many of the guys working on ARM stuff have 4Gb
> > > disks.  I went large with 8Gb.
> > > 
> > 
> > Technically, you should 'buildworld' before 'buildkernel' so the
> > kernel toolchain exists.  Otherwise, kernel build can fail for
> > strange reasons.
> >
> And that is exactly what I said I did.  Please re-read the above.  I
> have given you the state of my machine AFTER buildworld, but before

Sorry, I misread it.

> The point is that someone with only 4GB of space has just enough room
> to rebuild world and rebuild kernel, but not enough room for ports as
> well.
> Now to try and figure out how to keep pulling kernel and world sources
> from the server after CVS is shutdown.  I have just looked at
> www.freebsd.org and while they talk about cvs for ports going away and
> point everyone at portsnap I see no reference to cvs for kernel and
> world going away and no instructions on what to do in that case.  If
> cvs is really going away for kernel and core maybe one of the core team
> should see to it that the proper notes make it onto the site so as to
> now leave people in a lurch.


The procedure for svn is similar to that of CVS.  src/ has been in SVN
for ... years now.


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