[nycbug-talk] Mt. Kisco computer store aides CIA to combat computer virus

Mike N. mike at myownsoho.net
Thu Mar 7 15:07:48 EST 2013


ok guys, this made my day. There's a computer store in Mt. Kisco
(Westchester County) near, what once was, Borders. It's super
over-priced and probably won't be in business much longer. 

I just had to share this with you. 

Here's the article that i lold my face off at:
http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/09/nyregion/09fraud.html?_r=0 [1] 

... after hearing about this:

from my dad who knows Mr. Davidson personally. 


I hope this brings a smile to someone's face after George's downer. 

t/c all of you, and please keep your system's security up to date.....
or the priests of Honduras will come to get you. 

Mike Nichols
c. 347 7251661

[1] http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/09/nyregion/09fraud.html?_r=0
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