[nycbug-talk] two FreeBSD questions

Glen Barber gjb at FreeBSD.org
Tue Oct 15 20:37:16 EDT 2013

On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 08:29:00PM -0400, George Rosamond wrote:
> 1.  I don't see the svn revision number in my uname with -a on 9.2 or
> -CURRENT.  Apparently others do.  Anyone else?  Why?

What does 'svn info /usr/src' say?

> 2.  Now that FreeBSD CURRENT hit 11, do any FBSD devs know if the
> bleeding edge arm stuff is only hitting 11, or will 10 get the same
> attention with arm?

"It depends."  stable/10 will definitely have attention in these areas,
but changes that affect KBI (kernel binary interface) cannot be merged
from head/ to stable/10.


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