[nycbug-talk] OpenBSD and funding

Dan Cross crossd at gmail.com
Wed Jan 15 11:21:56 EST 2014

On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 2:44 AM, Brian Callahan <bcallah at devio.us> wrote:

> For those of you not subscribed to the OpenBSD misc@ list, here's a
> thread you should read, especially if you use OpenBSD:
> http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=138730448307723&w=2
> Please read the whole thread.

I read the whole thing.  I will not be donating.

Theo really comes off in poor form, throwing sarcasm and dismissal at most
of the suggestions ("How dare you suggest we take our precious developers'
time to do something to save our precious project!  Don't we do enough?"
 No, clearly you don't, otherwise you wouldn't be in this boat.)

Some good points were raised about architecture support; other suggestions
were made.  Theo's snarky responses, appeal to authority justifications and
total unwillingness to even consider changes convinced me not to donate.

If you're using OpenBSD, or using one of our sub-projects (which you all
> are), please think long and hard before dismissing that thread. We really
> do need the funding.

If you really need the funding, perhaps you could convince the project
leader not to be such a jerk?  At least not in public?  You may find money
is more forthcoming then.

If you work in or know someone in a company that uses OpenBSD (or any
> subprojects) or just one that likes to toss some money the way of open
> source projects, please send that thread their way as well.

I'll be frank: a subset of the sub-projects are what is important, not
OpenBSD itself.  OpenBSD seems to slide further and further from overall
relevance with each release.  If OpenBSD fails, then the communities that
care about the sub-projects will pick them up and carry them forward.  Or
not; but for OpenBSD itself?  Well, nobody mourns the death of PR1ME.

Everything helps.

I wonder if they've ever stopped to wonder WHY funding seems to be
shrinking.  Perhaps that would be step 1.  Step 2 would be to try and
figure out how to mitigate some of the costs of the project.  Step 3 would
be to solicit funds.  But when one's hand is out holding one's hat,
insulting the very people one is seeking assistance from is unlikely to be

        - Dan C.
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