What is a hackathon

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Wed Jan 29 23:44:48 EST 2014

I would call this event a hackathon based on experience (and I have been in
SF for nearly a decade, the epicenter for this kind of thing), Wikipedia
seems to agree: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hackathon

I would use the word "sprint" to match your friend's definition of

On Wednesday, January 29, 2014, Mark Saad
<mark.saad at ymail.com<javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','mark.saad at ymail.com');>>

> All
>  I know this may sound like a silly question but I wanted to get a broad
> opinion on this.
> My "friends" job announced then would be having a company hackathon, where
> groups would be
> formed and each group would be given 16 hrs to design and build a project
> to do stuff.
> There would be winners and looser and prizes given out.  Is this a
> hackathon or
> something else ?
> His initial reaction when he was told about this was; "This isn't a
> hackathon, I am not sure what this is ?"
> The organizer said "what do you think a hackathon is?"  He said ... its a
> collaborative effort, with a common goal
> designed quickly help a project as needed; usually short and rapidly paced.
> So anyway what do you all think, is this a hackathon or something else.
> --
> Mark Saad
> mark.saad at ymail.com
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