What is a hackathon

Mark Saad mark.saad at ymail.com
Thu Jan 30 08:30:13 EST 2014

> On Jan 30, 2014, at 7:16 AM, Sujit K M <sjt.kar at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 9:50 AM, Mark Saad <mark.saad at ymail.com> wrote:
>> All
>> I know this may sound like a silly question but I wanted to get a broad opinion on this.
>> My "friends" job announced they would be having a company hackathon, where groups would be
> I find that suse as a company does do this in their calendar. These
> are very intense sessions/hotly
> debated and questioned by participants, i guess audience. This is
> supposed to be done to increase
> productivity of their staff.
> -- 
> -- Sujit K M
> blog(http://kmsujit.blogspot.com/)

I see. It like this , some of us haven't been working at hip enough companies to understand the new definition .  But then again why would a "new" company be against the traditional style of hackathon ? I say this as after this conversation started , off list, "[that] a traditional hackathon would be too boring for most new companies. You would have a hard time selling , let's have a hackathon to fix the spread sheets we use !"  But as far as I am concerned that's the sort of hackathon a new company , or in some cases any company, should have . 


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