[talk] $1m donation to FreeBSD

Michael W. Lucas mwlucas at blackhelicopters.org
Thu Nov 20 09:56:10 EST 2014

On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 09:40:12AM -0500, George Rosamond wrote:
> And thanks to Boris K. for smashing the auction expectations for the new
> edition of Michael W Lucas' OpenBSD book.

Best. Auction. Ever.

> In order to do another similar event, we need to scope out new space, as
> Suspenders is no more.

I was very surprised at how well Suspenders worked for the con. Think
outside the box again.

People want more BSDCons. I had several requests to actually make
DetroitBSDCon happen. NYCBSDCon must live!


Michael W. Lucas  -  mwlucas at michaelwlucas.com, Twitter @mwlauthor 
http://www.MichaelWLucas.com/, http://blather.MichaelWLucas.com/

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