[talk] OpenBSD 5.6 group buy?

Nick Danger nick at hackermonkey.com
Tue Sep 30 21:25:50 EDT 2014

How does that affect the monies to OpenBSD themselves? I always try to 
order a CD and a shirt or something and try to kick in a little extra 
each time. If I have to order from Europe now, that might suck up my 
extra $$ as shipping. Kinda annoying.


On 09/30/2014 02:42 PM, Brian Callahan wrote:
> On 09/30/14 14:37, George Rosamond wrote:
>> Brian Callahan wrote:
>>> Hi folks --
>>> So OpenBSD 5.6 preorders are now up!
>>> http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-cvs&m=141209477503670&w=2
>>> Unlike previous releases (and as mentioned previously) Austin is no
>>> longer handling the merchandise. Now a new openbsdstore.com (run by the
>>> OpenBSD Europe people in the UK) is doing it. This will mean higher
>>> shipping prices for us Americans (just did a shipping quote from 
>>> them...
>>> over $10 just for one CD).
>>> Do we want to go in on a group buy for stuff? I can coordinate from up
>>> here in Troy or someone can take up the banner in NYC. I'm also 
>>> throwing
>>> this out there for the Americans in devio.us
>> Good idea Brian.  We should do this regularly.
>> We should figure out how to coordinate though... could be a bit
>> difficult with two different locations.
>> Maybe one designated person per city/UG?
>> g
> So I've somewhat taken up the mantle for nationwide at the moment.
> If there's enough NYC interest in and of itself, I'm sure it would be 
> fine to do a breakoff order for NYC.
> My thinking was get everything to Troy, then ship by small USPS flat 
> rate box to people outside of Troy. Capital District people are 
> welcome to get it from me directly (at a CDBUG meeting? :D See how I 
> did that? :) )
> ~Brian
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