[talk] NYC*BUG Tonight: Christos Z on Blacklistd

George Rosamond george at ceetonetechnology.com
Wed Apr 8 14:30:22 EDT 2015

Wednesday, April 8
Blacklistd, Christos Zoulas
18:45, Stone Creek Bar & Lounge backroom: 140 E 27th St


Today's systems expose multiple network daemons and are constantly
attacked by a fleet of zombie bots or determined attackers. Scanning
logs to determine if an attack is in place in order to modify a firewall
to block an attack is an adhoc inelegant solution. Blacklistd is a
daemon and a library interface that attempts to correct this problem.

Speaker Bio

Christos' first experience with Unix was in 1983 while studying at
Cornell. He currently maintains a few Unix programs (file, tcsh,
libedit, rdist6) and he contributes to many others. He is a board member
of the NetBSD Foundation and a recipient of the Usenix Lifetime
Achievement Award for contributions to the Unix operating system. His
day job is in Finance.

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