[talk] Thinkpad

Steven Kreuzer skreuzer at exit2shell.com
Sat Feb 14 16:35:29 EST 2015

> On Feb 11, 2015, at 10:46 AM, George Rosamond <george at ceetonetechnology.com> wrote:
> Mark Saad:
>> All
>> On Woot today, the t420 for $279
>> http://computers.woot.com/?ref=cnt_sb_cp_2
> hey, it's one of those 16G of RAM laptops mentioned last night.  And it
> comes in at a whopping 4.9 lbs.  I'd go X series and squint over
> slipping a disk.
> This is the closet model AFAIK in dmesgd, the T400.
> http://www.nycbug.org/index.cgi?action=dmesgd&do=view&id=2588 <http://www.nycbug.org/index.cgi?action=dmesgd&do=view&id=2588>

My T420 just arrived today and the longest part of the install process was the amount of time it took
to write the memstick image to a usb thumb drive. All the hardware was detected and it even suspends
and resumes without issue.

It also looks like you can bump this laptop up to 16GB of RAM for about 130 bucks, which isn’t too bad

I just submitted my dmesg.boot to dmesgd
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