[talk] Information

Sujit K M kmsujit at gmail.com
Thu Jul 9 03:12:27 EDT 2015

Hi All,

As there has been continued responses on the type of work
the organization does. We do the following.

We have a message board where common users can post
their messages primarily clarifications/how to's which will
remain with co-users to solve. Once Solved we go one level
up and provide support to the user and create how to's, technical
documentations to solve the problem. Primarily the site is below.


Once this is done we publish it in our resource portal which
can be accessed by any user. We work on a paid mode in
this case, where in the user/interested companies take back our
support to further enhance their support. Please register for a user
we will enable your account after a small interaction. Primarily the
site below. We will add resources you need with a little pay/donation.


Hoping for a good response.

Sujit K M

On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 3:16 PM, Sujit K M <kmsujit at gmail.com> wrote:
> I would like to point to my website http://www.mycontributions.org/.
> I am just setting up a how to website. Would love to have each one
> of letting the site a push to move forward.
> More about the website.
> 1. It accepts best practices, to be shared with other members on the
> website.
> 2. It accepts mundane tasks to be solved. The website accepts half
> cooked solutions.
> 3. It accepts make or break situation with support 24/7/365.
> As you would see it is still in infancy so will need a lot of resources
> to accept its principle. Hope there are a lot of top contributors from this
> list too.

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