[talk] USB Wireless Recommendations

Isaac (.ike) Levy ike at blackskyresearch.net
Sun Mar 22 10:52:42 EDT 2015

On 03/21/15 22:19, Jim B. wrote:
> Hello gang,
> I'm looking for recommendations for reliable USB wireless
> adapters that work with FreeBSD.  I've bought several
> that don't work (apparently no driver support) and before
> I shell out more cash I figured someone on this list
> will know.
> Any advice much appreciated!
> Jim B.

Got some of these for about $9 at Brooklyn micro-center:

Great support and no complaints on OpenBSD as run(4), not good for
running an AP, (as with most of these little nubs, I've found).  The
OpenBSD and FreeBSD man page are identical,


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