[talk] Tor Browser 5.5 for OpenBSD

Isaac (.ike) Levy ike at blackskyresearch.net
Fri Feb 5 16:45:46 EST 2016

> On Feb 5, 2016, at 3:35 PM, George Rosamond <george at ceetonetechnology.com> wrote:
> Greetings all. Tor Browser 5.5 for OpenBSD/amd64 -current is completed.
> Here's our announce below:
> TDP Announce for Tor Browser 5.5 for OpenBSD
> 20160205
> The Tor BSD Diversity Project
> https://torbsd.github.io/
> The Tor BSD Diversity Project (TDP) is proud to announce the release of
> Tor Browser (TB) version 5.5 for OpenBSD. Please note that this version
> of TB remains in development mode, and is not meant to ensure strong
> privacy, anonymity or security.
> TDP (https://torbsd.github.io) is an effort to extend the use of the BSD
> Unixes into the Tor ecosystem, from the desktop to the network.
> The 5.5 version is the eighth Tor Browser release from TDP.
> To install TB for OpenBSD, please see
> http://mirrors.nycbug.org/pub/snapshots/packages/amd64/README-55.txt
> TDP is focused on diversifying the Tor network, with TB being the
> flagship project. Additional efforts are made to increase the number of
> *BSD relays on the Tor network among other sub-projects.
> TDP's source code repository resides at http://github.com/torbsd/
> TDP is seeking funding to continue and extend its efforts. Please
> contact us if interested in assisting TDP, allowing us to dedicate more
> time to the project.

WOW.  This is really exciting to see hit the street!


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