[talk] Is getaddrinfo thread-safe on OS X?

A. Jesse Jiryu Davis jesse at emptysquare.net
Sat Jan 2 21:43:32 EST 2016

Hi NYC*BUG folk. I'm a MongoDB coder and CPython contributor in NYC. I hope
you can help me answer a Darwin / Mac OS X question.

There's rampant speculation regarding whether Mac OS X's implementation of
getaddrinfo is thread-safe. Uncertainty is so widespread that even the
Python standard library locks around calls to getaddrinfo to avoid a
possible bug:


There was a FreeBSD bug "getaddrinfo not thread-safe" resolved back in
2006, but I don't know if Darwin and / or Mac OS X got the same bugfix, or
a different bugfix, or no bugfix. I have a deeper ignorance, too, about the
relationship between the FreeBSD, Darwin, and Mac OS X implementations of
libc functions like getaddrinfo. I don't know where to look for OS X's
implementation of getaddrinfo either (I can't find it on

Is there a Darwin or OS X expert on the list who could help me investigate?


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