[talk] LiteBSD and RetroBSD: the hardware for the July meeting

Robert Menes viewtiful.icchan at gmail.com
Thu Jun 23 11:33:35 EDT 2016

I have a PIC32 George lent me to try RetroBSD on. I'll bring it with an
Arduino SD shield I have so we can also test on there.

On Jun 22, 2016 10:57 PM, "Brian Callahan" <bcallah at devio.us> wrote:

> On 6/22/2016 8:32 PM, George Rosamond wrote:
> > On 06/22/16 19:15, Brian Callahan wrote:
> >> One other thing to note (inline):
> >>
> >> On 6/22/2016 7:12 PM, Brian Callahan wrote:
> >>> Hi everyone --
> >>>
> >>> I'm doing next month's meeting on RetroBSD and LiteBSD. The hardware
> >>> these things run on are cheap and readily available, and likely the
> >>> meeting will be much more fun if people are hacking along with me.
> > Ah, the long awaited "get hardware to get involved email"...
> >
> > :)
> >
> > comments inline.
> >
> >>> So here's a list of hardware depending on whether or not you want to
> run
> >>> RetroBSD or LiteBSD. If you need help deciding, RetroBSD is a port of
> >>> 2.11BSD and LiteBSD is a 4.4BSD-Lite2 based OS (like all the modern big
> >>> BSDs).
> >>>
> >>> No matter what, you'll need a microSD card.
> >>>
> >>> RetroBSD:
> >>> http://retrobsd.org/wiki/doku.php/board/index
> >>> I recommend the Olimex PIC32-RetroBSD and the chipKIT Max32. Keep in
> >>> mind that if you go with the Max32, you'll need an Arduino Ethernet
> >>> shield R3 (for its microSD card slot).
> >>>
> >>> LiteBSD:
> >>> http://litebsd.org/
> >>> I recommend the chipKIT WiFIRE board and the Olimex EMZ64. If you buy
> >>> the EMZ64 you will need their UEXT to USB RS232 adapter:
> >>>
> https://www.olimex.com/Products/Modules/Interface/MOD-USB-RS232/open-source-hardware
> >>> -- alternatively, you could use telnet to access the EMZ64 (this is
> >>> indeed what I do with my EMZ64) but it is slower and you'll need a
> switch.
> >> The EMZ64 requires a chipKIT external programmer to flash the kernel
> >> onto the board. The WiFIRE does not need any external equipment to get
> >> LiteBSD onto it (and neither of the recommended RetroBSD boards need an
> >> external programmer either). I'm happy to bring my PICkit3 programmer to
> >> the meeting for people.
> > In order to make sure people can flash/access their hardware, can you be
> > sure to have all necessary cables, a switch, etc?
> Yes I'll bring all the needed hardware.
> > I'm hoping we can be hands-on during or after the meeting.
> >
> >>> I do ask that if you purchase from Olimex, you mention me. Olimex has
> >>> been great with supporting the RetroBSD and LiteBSD communities and it
> >>> would be nice to show them that we RetroBSD/LiteBSD devs are
> >>> contributing back to them. Their hardware is also all Open Hardware,
> >>> which I think is nice.
> > Better yet, mention Brian C, these BSDs and that you're going to be at a
> > NYC*BUG hackathon on July 6.
> >
> >>> Also, as of this morning, LiteBSD builds on FreeBSD! I will be
> >>> submitting a port to build the LiteBSD toolchain, but I can provide a
> >>> (10.x) binary for those who want to play around before the meeting.
> > What about OpenBSD?  I thought you mentioned it also as a build system?
> Haven't pushed it into the build system yet for OpenBSD. There's a
> compile problem I haven't tracked down yet.
> > (previously, the images could only be compiled from Windows and Linux
> Linux and Mac OS X, actually. Not Windows.
> >>> Hope to see everyone out for the meeting with hardware!
> > Very much looking forward to the meeting.
> >
> > Maybe give us an outline of what you intend to cover?
> >
> And spoil the meeting??? :)
> I'll cover the history of both, then I guess overview the features of
> RetroBSD and LiteBSD separately, outline the LiteBSD ports tree, discuss
> future plans for both (and my wish list for what I'd like to see in each
> going forward), and talk about how to get involved in the projects.
> If we have enough hardware around, we can finish up with a big group
> installfest :)
> ~Brian
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