[talk] NYC*BUG Wednesday:

George Rosamond george at ceetonetechnology.com
Mon May 2 14:16:35 EDT 2016

May 4, Wednesday
Urchin: Unix-style tests, Thomas Levine
18:45, Stone Creek Bar & Lounge: 140 E 27th St


Urchin is a portable shell test harness based on the idea that a test
case should be an ordinary Unix-style program. It's called "Urchin"
because sea urchin shells are called "tests".

I'll discuss how one uses Urchin, and I'll show examples of tests
written in Urchin. Urchin is mostly (entirely?) used for running shell
tests to test shell programs, so I'll also compare it with other
approaches to testing shell programs.

Speaker Bio

Thomas Levine is a neodada artist with an interest in sleep. He enjoys
writing intuitive and minimal user interfaces, like Urchin, that are
thus easy to learn and easy to reverse-engineer.

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