[talk] Containerization

Mark Saad mark.saad at ymail.com
Fri Apr 7 18:47:30 EDT 2017

   I have a thought experiment head over to http://99percentinvisible.org/ and listen to the current talk on containerization ; and how it transforms the dock cities . It has some good background on 70's urban blight with the decline of the dock worker jobs and how this drags the related economies down .  So now think about how this works with regards to computer containers. Does docker / vms supplant the old way of by hand rolling software ? Do we loose admin jobs like we lost longshoreman? Is a super container ship on the horizon for operating systems. It's damn interesting to think about . Does the shipping industry parallel developers and administrators dealing with docker and vms ? You decide .

Mark Saad | mark.saad at ymail.com
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