[talk] Containerization

Edward Capriolo edlinuxguru at gmail.com
Sat Apr 8 09:34:44 EDT 2017

On Saturday, April 8, 2017, Sujit K M <kmsujit at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sat, Apr 8, 2017 at 4:17 AM, Mark Saad <mark.saad at ymail.com
> <javascript:;>> wrote:
> > All
> >    I have a thought experiment head over to
> http://99percentinvisible.org/
> > and listen to the current talk on containerization ; and how it
> transforms
> > the dock cities . It has some good background on 70's urban blight with
> the
> > decline of the dock worker jobs and how this drags the related economies
> > down .  So now think about how this works with regards to computer
> > containers. Does docker / vms supplant the old way of by hand rolling
> > software ? Do we loose admin jobs like we lost longshoreman? Is a super
> > container ship on the horizon for operating systems. It's damn
> interesting
> > to think about . Does the shipping industry parallel developers and
> > administrators dealing with docker and vms ? You decide .
> >
> Too Much Automation?
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Like all new tech there is a hype cycle where people attempt to use it for
everything. Dockers are new in that regard. But the concept is old jails,
openvz, vmware. Microservices are actually the new automation hotness.

My company has a microservice task force...where we attempt to figure out
what exactly microservices are? Webapps, lamba, node js apps?

In any case on the surface docker is mostly a cross platform software
packaging system..

Sorry this was sent from mobile. Will do less grammar and spell check than
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