[talk] nycmesh

Pete Wright pete at nomadlogic.org
Tue Aug 28 12:45:46 EDT 2018

On 8/28/18 7:34 AM, Robert Menes wrote:
> I've seen these guys before. They're doing a good thing for the 
> community.
> I'd like to dive more into what makes their network infrastructure 
> work and get to know them more. Maybe we should invite them for a talk?

i think that'd be an awesome talk.  from digging into what little 
technical docs they have on the site it seems their internet ingress is 
at Sabey via DE-CIX at 375 Pearl st.  I wonder who financed the initial 
standup of that, and if their subscriptions cover the maint costs or is 
someone helping offset the losses there.

why yes i want to do this in santa monica/west LA why are you asking? :)


Pete Wright
pete at nomadlogic.org

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