[talk] Holidaze, AWS, and astounding "clock drift outage"

Isaac (.ike) Levy ike at blackskyresearch.net
Wed Jan 3 03:09:22 EST 2018

Hi All,

After weeks of nonsense (and boring long stories),

On Mon, Dec 18, 2017, at 3:39 PM, Isaac (.ike) Levy wrote:
> Hi All,
> A bit OT from the pit of internet hell, but perhaps of interest to folks
> here: This weekend AWS has been doling out a disruption of service of
> the worst kind, clock skew insanity.  And when I say insanity, I mean
> true madness.

Updates, perhaps of interest in several categories,

Through continued holiday NTP/hardware adventure, we were told we were casualties of a Xen exploit to be publicly announced Thursday:

As of today, Intel appears to be prepping to get in the mix, with issues apparently *quite* related,

Thursday my Ops teammates and I will certainly be popping popcorn to watch this show.

When we all knew how stupid this technical approach was years ago, why has the cloud taken the shape it has?

I'm looking forward to the day the current favella of what we currently call "the cloud" has burned to the ground.  And, I hope not completely burned- so we can look upon it's ashes for centuries and know how *not* to build things.


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