[talk] pfSense home unit

Brian Cully bcully at gmail.com
Sun Jan 14 10:02:59 EST 2018

On January 12, 2018 at 13:02:15, Isaac (.ike) Levy
(ike at blackskyresearch.net) wrote:
> I'll second Shawn on this, there was just a thread on PCEngines this in December, here's
> my long ramble:
> http://lists.nycbug.org/pipermail/talk/2017-December/017422.html
> In short- the PCEngines people are awesome, the gear is stellar for your purposes.
> PCEngines board - apu2c4 - $132
> http://pcengines.ch/apu2c4.htm
> Case - case1d2blku - $10.00
> (Case can be black, red, blue)
> http://pcengines.ch/case1d2blku.htm
> AC adapter 12V 2A US plug - ac12vus2 $4.40
> http://pcengines.ch/ac12vus2.htm
> SSD M-Sata 16GB MLC - $17.80
> http://pcengines.ch/msata16g.htm
> $ 164.20 - Each Router + shipping.

	Thanks, everyone. I did end up purchasing an apu2c4. Price was higher
than this (by almost $100!), though. pcengines was sold out of their
boards, and external vendors were more expensive. But at least it all
comes pre-assembled, so less waiting for parts.


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