[talk] Raspberry Pi 4 BSD compatibility

John C. Vernaleo john at netpurgatory.com
Mon Oct 21 09:35:41 EDT 2019

Last I heard OpenBSD supports everything except wifi on the pinebook.  I 
believe the others are similar.  I haven't personally confirmed yet as my 
pinebook is currently under a pile of papers on my desk, but it does have 
a date with an openbsd install very soon.

John C. Vernaleo, Ph.D.
john at netpurgatory.com

On Mon, 21 Oct 2019, Robert Menes wrote:

> Hey all,
> I just got a Raspberry Pi 4 that I want to run a BSD on, but so far, my go-to, OpenBSD, still doesn't support the BCM2711 SoC of the Pi 4 (only the Pi 3 has support).
> Do Free or NetBSD have support for the Pi 4? I still intend to bring it along for November's installfest all the same even if there isn't support just yet.
> Related: how's BSD support of the Pinebook? I might be asking Santa for one... ;)
> --Robert

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