[talk] Talk idea for NYC*Bug April (1st)

Ivan "Rambius" Ivanov rambiusparkisanius at gmail.com
Sun Jan 26 22:18:57 EST 2020

On Sun, Jan 26, 2020 at 4:24 PM Ibsen S Ripsbusker
<ibsens at ripsbusker.no.eu.org> wrote:
> Ivan "Rambius" Ivanov writes:
> > I have been dealing with tcl / expect for some time and I am really
> > interested to hear more about it.
> Could you elaborate on "dealing with"?

I am using expect script to deploy ssh keys to various host. I am also
using it to run a stubbornly interactive in-house command-line utility
that I also wrapped in a tk gui.


Tangra Mega Rock: http://www.radiotangra.com

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