[talk] NYC*BUG Wednesday: Extreme Scripting

George Rosamond george at ceetonetechnology.com
Tue Sep 7 23:14:24 EDT 2021

Extreme scripting with KSH and AWK, G Clifford Williams
2021-09-08 @ 18:45 - Zoom

RSVP by noon EDT Wednesday to rsvp AT lists.nycbug.org!

Have you ever wanted to learn AWK? I mean, really really dig in and be 
able to do things with AWK that most people didn't know was possible? If 
your answer was "YEAH!!", calm down it's just scripting not saving the 
planet or anything. If your answer was "no", tough toggle switches 
because that's what we'll be covering. We're going to push AWK to its 
limits and beyond. Then we'll do the exact same with a specific shell 
command dialect known as KSH93/Korn Shell.

Obviously time won't allow us to cover every corner of the language in 
depth but you'll definitely learn enough to get up and running on your 
own with plenty of resources to help fill in the gaps. When I say up and 
running think "...with scissors". We'll start right off with the 
powerful features using no safety nets. This goes beyond "tips and 
tricks" and directly to the extreme.

We encourage questions and even wildly incorrect opinions before the 
meeting on the talk@ mailing list and on IRC at libera.net #nycbug.

For Zoom meeting details, email to rsvp AT lists.nycbug.org, and details 
will be sent on the day of the meeting. Q&A will be via IRC on 
libera.chat, channel #nycbug.

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