[KnoxBUG-talk] july meeting - key signing party

N.J. Thomas njt at ayvali.org
Thu Jul 14 19:22:51 EDT 2016

* Caleb Cooper <caleb at caleb-cooper.net> [2016-07-14 19:13:11-0400]:
> The key signing was more an after thought and one of those "if we have
> time" things. If someone else wants to organize it more, go ahead, but
> I am not interested in checking a bunch of photo IDs or comparing
> slips of paper against what's on the web.

Yeah, if you're only running an informal thing with a small amount of
people, then what you originally had is fine. I would still suggest
keeping it no-tech and have everyone write down keyids/fingerprints and
verify later, but it's up to you.


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