[NYCBSDCon] Hard Media Idea

Brian Callahan bcallah at devio.us
Wed Sep 11 14:34:52 EDT 2013

On 9/11/2013 2:23 PM, Isaac (.ike) Levy wrote:
> On September 11, 2013 01:42:40 PM EDT, Brian Callahan <bcallah at devio.us>
> wrote:
>> I would still like having people walk away with ready to go images
>> with tons of services and dev tools. I know that we can't guarantee
>> they'll be used but we never know who the next big user/promoter/dev is.
> Heck yeah.  Tangible, living, schwag.
> I even think optical media is appropriate, if we can get people to
> donate it?  (e.g. OpenBSD is still hard media, FreeBSD Mall does disks,
> [not sure what Net is doing these days, dragonfly is likely a noop for
> media.)  PfSense?

OpenBSD in some spaces is USB/SD install - loongson and the ARM 
platforms come to mind. But sure we could spin CDs (or sell official 
from OpenBSD or FreeBSD Mall).

> Along with the oldschool instant gratification, I think hard media has
> an even greater resonance, with all this year's net/crypto hyjinks.
>> We could even get a bunch of cards for people who don't bring their own
>> and sell them basically at card cost (plus maybe $1) and add whatever
>> money we make on it back into the profits.
> Yes. I think this is awesome.  Micro-SD is perfect, the ones with SD
> adapter sleves are common...  4Gb or whatever is common/'small' should
> do, no?

I think so.

> Rocket-
> .ike

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