audio/visual issues to address

Brian Callahan bcallah at
Wed Jan 15 23:08:07 EST 2014

On 1/15/2014 10:59 PM, George Rosamond wrote:
> Mostly, but not just for, Patrick... this is my brain-dump, but edits
> inline needed.
> * streaming with ScaleEngine?  nice to do, but not vital

Ping Allan. He will be there, and he really wants to do it.

> * dealing with slides onscreen.  They should have hdmi and vga in ready
> on all LCDs.. *not* backroom.  This will need to be tested once ready.
> * dealing with rotation of sponsor logos during intermissions, lunch, etc.

We should make this a video, tbh. Set times in advance (each gold 
sponsor gets 3 minutes alone time, each silver gets 1 minute alone time, 
all SMB get 1 minute as a group, or whatever). Then have mplayer just 
play the video in a loop. After the holiday party, with Ike standing 
there touching the touchpad every few minues, I really think this is the 
way to go.

> * schedule of day as a slide.
> * recording of slides synced with audio?

This will be much easier if we get ScaleEngine to stream.

> * testing sound from mic.. it works, but how clear?  adjustments?
> * another mic for questions?
> * any extra a/v costs to add to our balance sheet
> * any sponsors doing video?  I don't think so... but not positive.
> Phew!  Now who will be helping PMcE?

*runs and hides* :)

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