some needs

Isaac (.ike) Levy ike at
Sun Jan 26 12:54:07 EST 2014

On Jan 26, 2014, at 12:46 PM, George Rosamond <george at> wrote:

> Isaac (.ike) Levy:
>> On Jan 18, 2014, at 9:24 PM, George Rosamond <george at> wrote:
>>> fliers/posters we need... once details set
>>> - Updated version of con flier, with online registration
>> Online registration on the flyer?
>> Not necessary, not sure what you want it to say.
> wb ike!
> It's not totally necessary.
>>> and speaker
>>> list... easily to blow up to 11x17.  These would be great to have on
>>> campuses in CS departments, etc.
>> Feedback welcome, can make another tonight.
> maybe just center the date and the www on the bottom?

> i see nothing wrong with having multiple fliers... it's cool njt is
> working on one too.

Agreed- but I think it's best if the logotype (vector art, not font), is uniform- but N.J.'s is *so* close...

> The point, however, is to get them out there... colleges, bookstores,
> whatever.

Agreed- most important.

> we should change our tagline to:
> "..and a place for aspiring artists"
> Is it time to do a quark or indesign meeting?  photoshop?

Finger painting.  We have to start somewhere, and frankly, I could use the expressive release.


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