[nycbug-talk] java/batik problems

Nikolai N. Fetissov nikolai.fetissov
Sat Oct 8 19:22:01 EDT 2005

Charles Sprickman wrote:
> On Fri, 7 Oct 2005, Nikolai N. Fetissov wrote:
>> It's not the physical ram, it's the jvm heap size limit.
>> Dig around ant config to see if you can increase that.
>> I don't have java on a bsd box, this is under gentoo:
> That looks very interesting.  I found a "build.sh" file in the build
> directory that has a line like this:
> build.sh:$JAVA_HOME/bin/java $ANT_OPTS -classpath $CP
> org.apache.tools.ant.Main -emacs -Dant.home=$ANT_HOME $TARGET -Dargs="$*"
> I tried adding a "-Xmx100000000" (not knowing what units are being used
> - bytes, kb, mb...) and it still failed with the same error.  Grepping
> for "ANT_OPTS" only turned up the following:
> root at blarg[/usr/ports/graphics/batik/work/xml-batik]# grep ANT_OPTS *
> build.bat:%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe %ANT_OPTS% -classpath %CP%
> org.apache.tools.ant.Main -emacs -Dant.home=. %1 -Dargs="%2 %3 %4 %5 %6
> %7 %8 %9"
> build.sh:$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -Xmx100000000 $ANT_OPTS -classpath $CP
> org.apache.tools.ant.Main -emacs -Dant.home=$ANT_HOME $TARGET -Dargs="$*"
> I do think you're right though that this is a java issue.  My ulimits
> show "unlimited" on everything.
> I'll dig around a bit more and see if I can figure out just how the
> build process works - I'm totally unfamiliar with java.
> thanks,
> Charles

Here's a man page for java executable:
Looks like that value should be multiple of 1024 - try that.

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