[nycbug-talk] How common is blocking outbound 25/tcp? (Re: AsiaBSDCon!!!!)

Massimiliano Stucchi stucchi at willystudios.com
Thu Mar 15 04:39:54 EDT 2007

On 140307, 10:10, Yusuke Shinyama wrote:
> Speaking of Japan, although I'm away from admin jobs there for
> several years, I've heard blocking outbound 25/tcp is fairly
> pervasive in the most major Japanese ISPs now.  I'm curious how
> this is common in the US or any other country.  Does anyone have
> any experience or statistics on this topic?  Googling with the
> related keywords mostly pops up Japanese pages, but seems like not
> many US ISPs are doing this... Is there any reason behind?

One of the major ISPs down here in Italy does so.

Needless to say, it causes _big_ headhaches to his customers.


Massimiliano Stucchi, CTO & Director of Operations
WillyStudios.com - IT Consulting, Web and VoIP Services
stucchi at willystudios.com | Tel (+39) 0244417203 | Fax (+39) 0244417204
IT-20040, Carnate (Milano), via Carducci 9
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