[talk] So Netgate bails on FreeBSD

Franco Fichtner franco at opnsense.org
Thu May 24 07:43:33 EDT 2018

> On 24. May 2018, at 12:23 AM, George Neville-Neil <gnn at neville-neil.com> wrote:
> Exotic?  No.  It's logical as is DPDK.  They target Linux because Linux is the gorilla and because Intel wanted to bypass dealing directly with the Linux clowns and their clown kernel and clown community.

The only winners are 6WIND and Intel, selling SDKs and NICs to
anyone with loose change.  The time to market is easily 5 years

Reel in enough profit to buy more SDKs to accelerate VPN and
other stuff.  The cycle never ends.  Bottom line is vendors all
have the same offering, the only difference they claim is higher
high speed.

It's a lose-lose for anyone attempting a product now, especially
one that claims "open source based" and asks for community help.

> I've poked at this off and on for a bit but I've not had time to make much progress on this.  Jim's call for hands is a serious one, it would be nice to have a few folks poke at this and make it actually portable.

Please don't advocate volunteering for Netgate.  FreeBSD is a
better place without the drama they used to induce for at least
half a decade.


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