[nycbug-talk] Fwd: no more apache updates

Bob Ippolito bob
Wed Jun 23 11:26:40 EDT 2004

On Jun 23, 2004, at 9:58 AM, Robert Collins wrote:

>> I like that people are expected to write code or shutup.
> Personally, I don't like that people are expected to write code or 
> shutup. I
> am not an authority on organizational structure by any means. But it 
> seems
> to me that when you get a group of people together that want to 
> accomplish
> something, from a household all the way to an entire country division 
> of
> responsibilities is a necessity.

The way I see it is this:

It's *their* project, not yours.  If you don't like their manners, 
policies and/or philosophies then don't use their software.  It's not 
your place to say how they should spend their free time.  Hell, you're 
lucky they share the code with you under a liberal license.

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