[nycbug-talk] openbsd -current

michael lists
Sun Sep 25 16:23:00 EDT 2005

I'm trying to track OpenBSD -current.  After rebuilding a few times,
I've gotten it down to a short check list.  Am I doing this the
correct/easiest way?

1. run 'get_upgrade'
	(see below: download bsd.rd and etcXX.tgz and untar, 
	make pkg_list and delete All pkgs)
2. reboot and at boot>bsd.rd
3. choose (U)pgrade
4. at [sets], choose FTP, and at prompts..
5. 'ftp2.usa.openbsd.org','pub/OpenBSD/snapshots/i386 
6. 'Congratulations..', reboot to new kernel
7. mergemaster -r -t /root/upgrade/etc/
8. put back all known packages
	pkg_add `cat /root/upgrade/pkg_list`
	(this breaks when there is an updated pkg version)
9. reboot to fresh current

->cat bin/get_upgrade 
	# Prepare to run (U)pgrade
	# directory /root/upgrade already exists.
	# fetch new bsd.rd
	cd /root/upgrade
	ftp ftp://ftp2.usa.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/snapshots/i386/bsd.rd
	cp /root/upgrade/bsd.rd /bsd.rd
	# fetch new etcXX.tgz
	cd /root/upgrade
	mkdir etc
	cd /root/upgrade/etc
	ftp ftp://ftp2.usa.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/snapshots/i386/etc*.tgz
	tar -xzf etc38.tgz
	# make pkg_list and delete ALL
	pkg_info | awk '{print $1}' > /root/upgrade/pkg_list
	pkg_delete -q /var/db/pkg/*


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