[talk] last night's installfest

George Rosamond george at ceetonetechnology.com
Thu Jan 7 15:20:58 EST 2016

Ariel Sánchez:
> On Jan 7, 2016 3:01 PM, "George Rosamond" <george at ceetonetechnology.com>
> wrote:
>> Installfests can be dry and turn into a bunch of people staring at the
>> walls.
>> Last night wasn't one of those nights.  And I think it was clear we need
>> to do them more.
>> There was some confusion with the room, and we had to be out by 8 PM,
>> but for the time we were there, it was a success.  Poor Ike dragged a
>> big container of cables and hardware from work...
>> We had a good mix of the new and old, along with an array of hardware.
>> Most of the BSDs were tinkered with, and hardware from BeagleBones and
>> Raspberry Pis to Thinkpad Carbons and the venerable Soekris, etc., were
>> install targets.
>> For the next one, it would be good if more people hit talk@ and said
>> what they wanted to get out of it... which BSD, which architecture,
>> which hardware.
>> g
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> Thanks so much for the Installfest. I for one had a great time installing
> my first real (not vm) openbsd on a cheap acer es1-111m-p2yu. It even
> picked up the lan and wireless from the get go. Now starts the learning
> process to turn it into the everyday laptop i want :)


And as a reminder, dmesgd.nycbug.org is a great place to upload your
dmesgs, besides submitting to the OpenBSD project as detailed in the
welcome email.


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