[talk] NYC*BUG Upcoming

George Rosamond george at ceetonetechnology.com
Fri Jan 8 09:19:10 EST 2016

A lot of upcoming meetings are in the works, along with BSD events
beyond NYC.


March 10-13 AsiaBSDCon https://2016.asiabsdcon.org/

June 10-11 BSDCan https://www.bsdcan.org/2016/
(CFP closes January 19th)

July 22-24 is HOPE (2600 Magazine), a great opportunity for BSD speakers
particularly on topics related to security and privacy
(http://xi.hope.net/).  The CFP opens January 11.

September, EuroBSDCon in Belgrade, Serbia (https://2016.eurobsdcon.org/)

*NYC*BUG Meetings*

All meetings are at Stone Creek at 140 E 27th Street (just east of
Lexington Ave) in Manhattan

February 3rd   Ike Levy on Shell-Fu

March 2nd	Raul Cuza on BSD Init/RC system

We're sorting out the dates, but other topics include:

* Debuggers/LLVM (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LLVM)

* Urchin (https://github.com/tlevine/urchin)

* LiteBSD/RetroBSD (https://github.com/sergev/LiteBSD/wiki,

* HardenedBSD (https://hardenedbsd.org/)

Please email talk@ or admin@ if you have a potential meeting topic to
discuss, including any recommendations.

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