[talk] So Netgate bails on FreeBSD

Izaac izaac at setec.org
Wed May 23 15:29:23 EDT 2018

On Wed, May 23, 2018 at 07:21:18AM -0400, Mark Saad wrote:
> https://www.netgate.com/docs/tnsr/

You do understand that this is initially targeting AWS, right?  Which
means Linux.

And then they intend it to be shipping boxes with high performance
hardware and the associated driver support.  Which means Linux.

FreeBSD is incapable of either -- in both present and future.

You may rest assured, though, that they will ultimately fail in this
venture.  Netgate simply does not have the sales and marketing
organization to compete with the existing suppliers , e.g. Palo Alto
Networks, for the target customers.

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