[NYCBSDCon] some things post-meeting

George Rosamond george at ceetonetechnology.com
Wed Sep 8 16:05:55 EDT 2010

On 09/08/10 15:40, Mark Saad wrote:
> Updates!!1


>> 2.  Mark needs to talk to Michael Dexter about event insurance
> Done , awaiting reply.
>> 7.  Publicity, publicity. . . need  to sort this out.
> Chris Coluzzi emailed all of about's tech staff telling them to go. I
> will see if this can be extended corp wide.
> Also I will check into the facebook ads.

The internal company stuff is good.

I am working on a list (in cvs) with lists and sites to hit when 
registration and the schedule are released.

>> 8.  Mark is getting catering quote tomorrow.
> Got intial quotes waiting till 5pm to call Frankie back, he is to
> busy to talk now. I beleive price is per day but I will ask.



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