[NYCBSDCon] sponsor levels

Patrick McEvoy patmcevoy at mac.com
Wed Sep 18 23:36:19 EDT 2013

On 9/18/13 1:50 PM, Bill Totman wrote:
> On 9/18/13 12:51 PM, "George Rosamond" <george at ceetonetechnology.com>
> wrote:
>> Bill Totman:
>>> On 9/18/13 11:01 AM, "George Rosamond" <george at ceetonetechnology.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Brian Callahan:
>>>>> On 09/18/13 10:36, Okan Demirmen wrote:
>>>>>> On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 10:25 AM, George Neville-Neil
>>>>>> <gnn at neville-neil.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> On Sep 18, 2013, at 10:19 , George Rosamond
>>>>>>> <george at ceetonetechnology.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> we should sort this out on list.. Some ideas.
>>>>>>>> $150 small sponsors, making space for small shops.  literature on
>>>>>>>> shared
>>>>>>>> table... sponsor image on screen during appropriate time.  small
>>>>>>>> logo on www
>>>>>>>> $1500-$2000 big: table, swag, video during breaks, larger logo on
>>>>>>>> www
>>>>>>>> logos on www are for the long term.
>>> Long term = until next con or 12 months?
>>> 	- Next con being the minimum.
>> we kept the past con sites up... assume we'll archive and continue to
>> have online.
> Got it.
>>>>>>>> all negotiable/flexible... plus sponsors can deal with open bar,
>>>>>>>> food,
>>>>>>>> whatever.
>>>>>>>> Early payment is ideal of course, and any profits can be divided by
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> four projects.
>>>>>>> I'm wondering if, for an uncon, the $1500 range makes sense.  I'd
>>>>>>> think more like $500-$1000 but
>>>>>>> maybe I'm just not thinking big enough.
>>>>>> I agree.  Maybe if we first had an idea of how much usable space we
>>>>>> have, we could then figure out how to carve it up.
>>>>>> The one cost we have will be Suspenders, with food/etc.  What else is
>>>>>> there?  Do we know approximate cost?
>>>>> We had come up with a number at the meeting, but I don't remember it
>>>>> off-hand (Bill?)
>>>>> We were thinking of using the raised row of tables (with the booths)
>>>>> along the left-hand wall when walking out of the backroom where we
>>>>> normally meet for the vendor things.
>>>> We are looking at about $5000-5500 for 100 people, including food
>>>> (breakfast, lunch, coffee all day).
>>> Is 100 our target attendance?
>>>    - I ask for 'break-evens' and measuring 'success'.
>>>    - We should also know for the sake of pitching to vendors - for those
>>> that want to know.
>> no.. . find me a con that publicly states its number? ;`
> Not for public purposes but privately pitching to a vendor with marketing
> $s (assuming they even care).
> But, from your response, past experience is that our vendors aren't
> worried about that number. Which is fine.
>> I'm assuming about $6500 in expenses overall... but we need to break it
>> down.  The exact details are open ATM.  If MWL comes into town, and does
>> something, we should cover his flight.  And find him a place to crash :)
>> I would say we aim for 100, but that will take serious outreach too.
>> And outreach is more critical to this con than the past ones, as per the
>> angle and theme IMHO.
> Patrick will be preparing some promo material after we hammer some details
> down.

Speaking of... anyone talking to vendors...please get the images/logos
from them as hi-res and as early as possible.
Getting the last few images was a bit of a challenge the last con. 

> If anyone has ideas about outreach, speak up.
>> G
> -bt
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