[Semibug] LO backups & OO [was OT: is there any office package (especially spreadsheet) that lets me choose a PEN color]

CAREY SCHUG sqrfolkdnc at comcast.net
Thu May 23 11:07:51 EDT 2024

LO vs OO (topic 1)

I was pissed when I was told I "had" to convert from OO to LO.

LO was buggy (see below)

later found a friend stayed with OO and was happy.

any opinions on which of LO  and OO  (or others) do the best job on reading in XL or other formats?

my experience is they have been piss-poor, also what I send to people with XL drew complaints.

Though I don't think I have done any exchanges for several years, might be better now.

or just opinions in general?

backups ======================================== (topic 2)

my backups are more to protect my screw ups, including something like deleting or damaging some email addresses on a tab i seldom access.  I have had to go back several of my backups to find the damaged data.

I save, then copy/rename the file to an archive directory with the date saved as part of the new name.

I have these backups going back years, could probably delete everything over a year old.

there was a time when after a crash, LO would "recover" the file to an EARLIER state than I had done a save, so when it tried to recover, I'd have to go rename all files I had saved, then compare the recovered file with my last save and try to figure out which was more current.  that went on for YEARS, but has been fixed for at least a year now.


> On 05/23/2024 4:53 AM CDT Steve Litt <slitt at troubleshooters.com> wrote:
> Ron / BCLUG said on Thu, 23 May 2024 01:49:18 -0700
> >Steve Litt wrote on 2024-05-22 23:26:
> >
> >> This command can be run in 3 seconds  
> >
> >Ctrl+S == saved, 0.3 seconds.
> Ah, but Ctrl+s overwrites your last backup. Bupsky gives you a series
> of backups, and backs up the whole current directory and its
> subdirectories.
> >
> >Haven't personally experienced much instability with LO.
> My experience comes mainly from LibreOffice' presentation tool, and
> less so with its wordprocessor. I consistently use Gnumeric as a
> spreadsheet.
> >Certainly would *not* advise against using it.
> From my perspective, LibreOffice is the worst Free Software has to
> offer. It has all the technical disadvantages of MS Office, and in
> addtion, my experience tells me it randomly loses or alters styles, and
> I'm a styles based author. I don't use LibreOffice for anything more
> than a quickie 2 page letter.

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