[Semibug] tragedy of systemd: was: OT: is there any office package (especially spreadsheet) that lets me choose a PEN color

Ron / BCLUG admin at bclug.ca
Fri May 24 16:08:51 EDT 2024

Kyle Willett wrote on 2024-05-23 21:31:

> One piece of software can't be that good at so many different tasks!

I'm not sure that logic holds up:

"Fedora can't be that good at so many different tasks"

"Linux kernel can't be that good at so many different tasks"

GNU utilities - contains logging tools, mcron cron job implementation, 
grub, ...

That's not really an apples-to-apples comparison, but packaging a bunch 
of tools under one moniker isn't uncommon.

 > sudo replacement with run0

What did you think about the discussion (was it on this list?) about 
suid and the inherent risks with the (allegedly) spotty implementations 
of that vis-á-vis sudo?

It was over my head, but there were issues raised and sudo CVEs patches 

Someone with very deep knowledge of the topic proposed the run0 vs sudo 
and had some valid-looking reasons for doing so.

Now, granted systemd utils show up in a *lot* of places, giving valid 
reason to be curious about why.

On the other hand, a services management system probably should handle a 
lot of different functionality.

And, some of those new utilities have great features, i.e.:

* show me all log messages from postfix from 2 boots ago *only*

* show me all the "cron" jobs in order of when they next launch, the 
time elapsed since last launch,...

* show me a list of all services that start at boot time and how long 
they took to become active (wow, I just noticed it took 30.566s for 
apt-daily-upgrade.service to come up)

Admittedly, I'm not a fan of resolvectl and some other stuff, and more 
often than not use cron, not timers.



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