[nycbug-talk] Survey for upcoming 'Hacking iBook'

Aron Roberts aron
Tue Apr 20 10:39:23 EDT 2004

How is this specific to the iBook if there it nothing hardware 
specific? I could see maybe XFree config files under NetBSD or 
something being iBook specific. Is the iBook just the box you picked to 
name the talk or is there more to it?

On Apr 20, 2004, at 10:26 AM, G. Rosamond wrote:

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: talk-bounces at lists.nycbug.org
>> [mailto:talk-bounces at lists.nycbug.org] On Behalf Of Isaac Levy
>> Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 10:20 AM
>> To: NYC Bug List
>> Subject: [nycbug-talk] Survey for upcoming 'Hacking iBook'
>> Hey all,
>> ike here, I'm one of the folks doing the lecture 'Hacking your iBook'
>> in June- and I wanted to do a bit of pre-lecture survey to see what
>> kinds of questions folks have- (I really want to make sure it's a
>> worthwhile and fun meeting <g>)
>> I'm not planning to talk about hardware and Apple stuff proper, (i.e.
>> that's what the Apple folks did), I'm planning to go into networking,
>> hacking and doing stuff- BSD related stuff- with your machine,
>> and have
>> gotten a colleauge Bob Ippolito on board, to dive into Cocoa
>> programming and show how simple and fast GUI app development really is
>> on a mac.
>> So, with that, what kind of questions does everybody have?
>> I'm looking
>> for big-picture questions, small questions, where to begin
>> questions...
>>  There's just so much fun stuff to dive into, I want to reduce it to
>> something short and fun-
>> Feel free to either add to this thread, or email me offlist-
>> Rocket,
>> .ike
> Sounds good big Ike. . .
> Hopefully Grant from ORA can bring along a few Mac Hacks books. . .
> I think there's the basics that would be good to cover first:
> enabling root, installing XFree86, the ports.
> Also the server administration tools are pretty funky, as we reviewed 
> at
> a recent LESMUUG meeting.
> g
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