[nycbug-talk] Wanted: graphics designer for small website

Omar Thameen omar at westside.urbanblight.com
Fri Mar 16 11:14:04 EDT 2007


I'm looking for someone to put together a front page and one interior
template/page (both with CSS).  If you can do this, or if you know
someone who does good work, please see the details below.

The elements are:

* Banner with logo, name, and tag line (these three items have been
  created already) 
* Sign up form for mailing list - "Please let me know when this
  product becomes available." (You don't need to provide the actual
  cgi, just design it in.)
* Email address for contact 
* Product info: either J. Peterman style picture (which we'd want
  you to produce) or paragraph description

What we'd be looking for is to integrate those elements into a
single page in a design which reflects the product.  The product
is a variation on socks (we'll obviously provide more details

It would need to be finished within the next 7-10 days.

If interested, please email with any questions, a link to sites
you have designed, and a quote.


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