[nycbug-talk] Rebuilding dependencies after manual port removal?

Matt Juszczak matt at atopia.net
Sun May 2 12:47:55 EDT 2010

>> Or just look at pkgdb (1). .. -L, -F. . .

This didn't really do what I wanted it to do.  To test, I did:

oak# pkg_info -R php5-zip-5.3.2
Information for php5-zip-5.3.2:

and got "phpmyadmin".

I make deinstalled that package, reinstalled it, and then ran pkgdb -L... 
it cycled through depedencies marking all as "OK", but phpmyadmin still 
isn't listed as a package that depends on php5-zip (where it was before).

Is this really a big deal?  Some have mentioned to me that these 
dependencies will be fixed next time I upgrade a port anyway.  But I like 
having the "packages dependent on this port" being correct as then it's 
way easier to figure out things you can uninstall.


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