[talk] Climate Mirror

Isaac (.ike) Levy ike at blackskyresearch.net
Wed Dec 14 15:26:58 EST 2016

> On Dec 14, 2016, at 2:51 PM, Brian Cully <bcully at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 14-Dec-2016, at 14:44, Thomas Levine <_ at thomaslevine.com> wrote:
>> Regarding my speculation about the utility of this project: I will be
>> very disturbed if people haven't already been mirroring the data, so I
>> am puzzled as to why a potentially enormous change in government policy
>> should make the mirroring into a pressing issue.
> 	Welcome to acedemia. Backups for large datasets are often non-existant for all kinds of reasons, and tend to be low on the list of concerns for harried researchers who have to spend most of their time running a lab, teaching, conferences, and applying for grants in order to keep their facilities afloat.
> -bjc

+1 from the private sector here too, backing up even critical stuff is just not priority.

I mean, modern civilization did *loose* the original moon landing tapes, right?

Even when mirrors/backups are in place, here’s some knee-jerk reading on loftier technical ends of the problem,

I do believe that a culture of distributed, heterogeneous backups spread across many groups and technical cultures is the best way for important data to survive long term.


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