[talk] [membership at sdf.org: [SDF] Plan9 Boot Camp is BACK!]

Thomas Levine _ at thomaslevine.com
Fri May 6 10:35:54 EDT 2016

This might interest some of you. To register,

1. If you don't have an SDF account, do this: http://sdf.org/?signup
2. Follow the directions below.

----- Forwarded message from membership at sdf.org -----

Date: Wed, 4 May 2016 16:08:49 GMT
From: membership at sdf.org
Subject: [SDF] Plan9 Boot Camp is BACK!

The SDF Plan9 Boot Camp 2016 registration opens Today.  The camp will be 
self guided and the SDF VoIP conference bridge (1088), com, bboard and irc
can be used for group sessions.  

To register, please type 'plan9' at the shell.

There is no cost to be involved in the boot camp and you will have access
until September 2016.  Donations are greatly appreciated via the paypal
to paypal at freeshell.org as well as joining the VPS membership to 
support the project.

The camp is limited to about 60 participants (first come, first served) and
you will be notified via email with details about accessing your machine 
this coming weekend.

What is Plan9? Plan9 is a research operating system from Bell Labs that 
implements ideas from UNIX and new ideas.  In recent years, it has famously
been run on the LANL supercomputer where it achieved impressive benchmarks.  
Plan9 can be accessed via a terminal, but it is designed to be used via 
windowing GUI.  'drawterm' is the client you'll want to get and is available
for most desktop environments.

More details can be found here:  http://sdf.org/?tutorials/VPS_Plan9

This year we will focus on:

* installation from an ISO
* system configuration
* networked file sharing through 9p
* clustering
* communal computing 
* application development

Type 'plan9' today to reserve your slot in the SDF Plan9 Boot Camp 2016

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